sobota, 8 października 2011

My free credit report Rockford

my free credit report Rockford

A few months my free credit report Rockford ago, PC Financial turned down my application for its MasterCard. I called and I was told that my credit report was actually very good. However, I did not have a landline phone number and I gave them my cellphone number as my home phone number. The PC Financial staff told me to get a landline phone number and then to apply again in 6 months. When I asked if my cellphone number my free credit report Rockford was the reason for them to turn down my application, the staff my free credit report Rockford said yes. Why would I apply for a landline phone number when I am only the only occupant in this apartment, and I wont be at my free credit report Rockford home half of the my free credit report Rockford time in the day?

I did order my credit report after my application my free credit report Rockford was turned down. credit identity theft

So, sometimes, when youve been turned down for a loan, it might not be about your credit rating.

But my experience tells me that, sometimes, banks just dont like making exceptions. Actually cancelling old cards has a short-term negative effect on your credit score only if the accounts are older than the average of your credit lines presently reported. In short, a part of your credit score is calculated based on the age of your credit lines and if you cancel your two oldest credit lines your average age will drop, bringing your score down slightly with it. credit free report score This will correct itself over time, and quite frankly shouldnt be a big deal unless youre looking to apply for credit immediately (in which case apply for your new credit and THEN cancel those my free credit report Rockford cards). The only other scenario when canceling credit cards has a negative effect is if it significantly increases your credit utilization (lets say you owe $4000 on 5 credit cards my free credit report Rockford which have a total credit limit of $10,my free credit report Rockford 000 altogether.

If you cancel two cards that have $2000 limits and keep that $4000 debt your credit utilization just went from 40% to 60% my free credit report Rockford and your score will drop a bit). In general, FICO rewards long term stability and responsible use, so govern your actions accordingly. Dont worry too much my free credit report Rockford about your credit score, if youre paying your bills on time, not defaulting on your financial obligations and checking that your credit reports have no errors then your FICO score will likely look after itself. free credit report history I am currently my free credit report Rockford in the process of repairing my credit history. In my youth i did always make the best choices and I am wondering how long these my free credit report Rockford choices will be haunting me.

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